
InthisactionshooterRPG,youwillgetauniquegameplayexperience,mixingtacticalcombatandonlinefeatures.StrideacrossNewYork'sstreetsaloneor ...,叛變的前國土戰略局特工——亞倫.基納——掌控了曼哈頓下城,並有四位忠誠且老練的副手跟隨其後。受國土戰略局訓練卻無視其理念,他們現在是城內的最高掌權者,也是特工們前所 ...,Alevel30boost,allowingyoutojumprightintotheWarlordsofNewYorkcampaign;Theinstantunlockofall6end...

Save 85% on Tom Clancy's The Division™ on Steam

In this action shooter RPG, you will get a unique gameplay experience, mixing tactical combat and online features. Stride across New York's streets alone or ...

The Division 2 - Warlords of New York

叛變的前國土戰略局特工——亞倫.基納——掌控了曼哈頓下城,並有四位忠誠且老練的副手跟隨其後。受國土戰略局訓練卻無視其理念,他們現在是城內的最高掌權者,也是特工們前所 ...

在Steam 上购买Tom Clancy's The Division® 2 立省70%

A level 30 boost, allowing you to jump right into the Warlords of New York campaign; The instant unlock of all 6 endgame specializations; 8 ...

在Steam 購買Tom Clancy's The Division® 2 即可省下70%

解放華盛頓特區:在探索開放多變、充滿敵意世界的同時,拯救瀕臨頹亡的國家。 • 和隊伍一同茁壯:在線上多人遊戲裡和朋友並肩分工作戰,或在敵對競爭的PVP 模式互相對抗。

Save 70% on Tom Clancy's The Division® 2 on Steam

Ultimate Edition · The base game · The Warlords of New York expansion · A level 30 boost, allowing you to jump right into the Warlords of New York campaign